Essential Guidelines: Storage for Plastic Cards

Ever wondered how you could extend the life of your plastic cards? Whether they're membership cards, gift cards, or any other type of card, proper storage is critical. It's not just about keeping them looking fresh - it's about ensuring that they function perfectly every time they're swiped, scanned, or tapped. That's why we're here to share with you the comprehensive guidelines for optimal storage. Stick with us to maintain the quality and functionality of your cards!

When you handle something as essential as plastic cards, you want them to last. It might sound trivial, but these cards are the frontline representatives of your brand. By following our curated best practices, you can avoid the pitfalls of wear and tear and ensure your cards serve you, or your customers, without a hitch. Let's dive in and figure out how to keep those cards in tip-top shape!

Once you've printed your sparkling new cards using the top-tier printers we offer, you might think the hard part's over. Not quite. The way you store them immediately after printing can affect their lifespan. You'll want to keep them in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.

Here's a tip: Before stacking the cards, ensure that they're completely dry. This might take a few hours but trust us, it's worth the wait. Stacking them wet can lead to smudging or color transfer. And who wants that?

We all know that sometimes, you print more cards than you need right away. For those extras, long-term storage becomes the key. You'll want to use containers that are designed to keep out dust, debris, and moisture all enemies of the perfectly preserved plastic card.

Temperature control is also crucial. Excessive heat can warp cards, and extreme cold can make them brittle. Find a sweet spot in temperature where your cards feel as comfortable as you would in a mild spring breeze.

Whether it's during storage or when they're being used, handling your cards with care makes all the difference. It's not just a card; it's the bearer of your brand's image. Always hold them by the edges to avoid fingerprints or scratches on the magnetic strips or chips.

If you're moving them from one place to another, use a protective sleeve or case. Think of it as a mini bodyguard for your card it might seem like overkill, but hey, better safe than sorry!

We understand the importance of keeping our planet green. So, when it comes to outdated or unusable cards, a little bit of recycling goes a long way. While we don't focus on eco-friendly options, we do encourage recycling your plastic cards if your local recycling program accepts them.

However, always remember to shred or destroy any sensitive information that might be on the cards before you toss them into the recycling bin. Your peace of mind is worth that extra minute!

There's nothing quite like the disappointment of a card not functioning when you need it most. To avoid that, let's talk storage environment. This isn't rocket science, but it sure is card science and we've got the lowdown on how to keep your cards at their operational best.

Keep them away from magnets and motors, which can mess with the magnetic strips. And just like your favorite vinyl records, keep them out of prolonged sunlight. Sun can fade your cards faster than your summer tan.

Your cards' magnetic stripes and chips are like their soul. If damaged, the card might look okay but won't function as it should. Use card holders or envelopes specifically designed for plastic cards to provide a snug home that shields these vital components.

Also, be mindful of how you stack your cards. Heavy items or a high stack of cards can damage the ones at the bottom with undue pressure. Think sandwiches, not skyscrapers a gentle stack will do.

Let's talk day-to-day carry. When your cards aren't stored away in their safe haven, they're likely in a wallet or cardholder. The best slot in a wallet is the one that fits your card just right. No squeezing or forcing it in. Your card deserves VIP treatment, so give it the space it needs.

And if your wallet is bulging at the seams, consider it time for a clean-out. Too much pressure on your cards can lead to chips and stripes malfunctioning and nobody's got time for that hassle.

Being organized isn't just great for your mental health; it's also great for your cards. Separate them by type and use dividers if you're storing them together. This isn't just Type A behavior; it's smart storage.

And remember the 'one card, one slot' rule in wallets or cardholders it'll save you the heartache of a card cracked from overcrowding. Show each card the individual attention it deserves.

Sometimes we don't think about the torture we put our cards through. Just like you wouldn't throw your smartphone into a bag with keys and coins, you shouldn't do it with your cards. Even the strongest card can succumb to the sharp edges of keys or the abrasive surfaces of coins.

Invest in a card case or a protective sleeve for when you need to carry a card loosely. Or better yet, make use of those handy little compartments in bags specifically meant for cards. They're there for a reason!

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So, you've got your storage down, but what about day-to-day care for your plastic cards? Daily use doesn't have to mean daily wear and tear. Here's how to keep those cards functioning flawlessly for as long as possible.

Think about it cards are like the unsung heroes of your everyday transactions. They get swiped, tapped, and exposed to all sorts of environments. So let's give them the respect they deserve with some proper care tips.

Just like anything else you use every day, cards can get dirty. But don't toss it in with your laundry a simple wipe with a soft cloth will do. And for those pesky smudges, a little bit of isopropyl alcohol on a cloth can make your card look brand new.

However, be gentle. Vigorous rubbing can damage the card's surface and the precious information it carries. Treat it like a delicate piece of technology because, well, it is!